Search & Assign Vizzle Activities By Topic View

2 min. readlast update: 11.29.2023

Vizzle activities can be found by searching in one of three ways: by topic, unit, or activity. The video below will show the steps for searching by topic view, which is the default setting. NOTE: The first time a teacher logs into Vizzle and selects Lessons from the main menu, the teacher must pick a subject area and then follow the steps below.

To search for activities using the Topic View:

  1. Select Lessons from the main menu.
  2. Use the filters on the left of the screen to narrow the search results. Filters include Content Library, Subject, Grade, and State Standard.
  3. Notice that the topics for the Academic Curriculum and the Skills Suite will load in order by unit on the right side of the screen. 
  4. There is also a search bar available on the right side above the list of topics. Enter keywords that may help focus the search (i.e., prefixes, main idea, etc.).
  5. Click on the Detail button for information regarding the topic, including a brief description of the topic, the lesson plan, the unit guide, and an observational scoring sheet.
  6. The topic can be assigned by clicking the blue Assign button seen to the right of the topic or from the Details page by selecting a level of instruction. Note that activities can be previewed by clicking the play button to the right of the activity on the Details page.
  7. The activities for the selected level will populate below the drop-down menu.
  8. When ready, click Assign to assign the topic to students.
  9. In the Assign screen, all activities in the topic are selected by default. Activities can be deselected by clicking the checkmark to the left of the activity. 
  10. Select the students that will be assigned the topic at the given level, edit the assignment date(s), and select the retake options from the drop-down menu. Check "Add to My Resources" if desired.
  11. Finally, click Assign in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Repeat the process for the other levels if needed.





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